The Al-Zallaqa Foundation, the official media of the Qaedist group Jamaʿat Nuṣrat al-Islām wa-l muslimīn (JNIM), published a roughly two-minute video in which it claims to have captured two Russian citizens. Analysing the video, it becomes clear that the two Russian citizens were captured in Niger.
The video gets straight to the point by immediately showing the two Russian prisoners on video. The first prisoner then took the floor giving the following message: “I was born in Russia, I live in Ukraine and work as a geologist for a Russian company, I work in Mbanga, where the Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims stopped me”.
The second prisoner then spoke, saying: “I am from Russia. I came to Niger a month ago to work for a Russian company. The workplace is in Mbanga, where the Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims stopped me”.
Mbanga is an area located in the Tillaberi region, about 60 km west of the capital Niamey.
The video provides no further details, but is clearly directed at Russia to take action to free its citizens from captivity.
It is important to remember that the military junta in power in Niger has close military and commercial ties with Russia, Furthermore, it is also important to remember that Russian PMCs have been active in the Sahel since September 2021 where they have been guilty of numerous acts of violence against civilians and where they are periodically clashing with JNIM in several areas, notably Mali.
Daniele Garofalo is a researcher and analyst on Jihadist Terrorism, Islamist Insurgents and Armed Groups. He is an expert in Monitoring Jihadist Media Channels and Islamist rebels and Armed Groups.
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